Julia Roberts Reveals The Exact Moment When She Realized She Was Famous

Its been thirty years of infamy for legendary actress, Julia Roberts, and while she has encountered innumerable fans over the years, one interaction, in particular, shines brightly in her memory. According to a report from USA Today, Julia spoke with The Hollywood Reporter recently on their podcast, Awards Chatter, in which she told a story

It’s been thirty years of infamy for legendary actress, Julia Roberts, and while she has encountered innumerable fans over the years, one interaction, in particular, shines brightly in her memory.

According to a report from USA Today, Julia spoke with The Hollywood Reporter recently on their podcast, Awards Chatter, in which she told a story of a curious fan whom she encountered in a Georgia movie theater’s bathroom. An awkward place to meet, for sure, however, her story became even more strange as she continued to tell it.

It was precisely at that moment when she finally realized just how famous she had become. According to the Hollywood actress, a woman asked her in the bathroom, “Hey, girl, in stall number one, were you in Mystic Pizza?”

Surprisingly, the woman slid a piece of paper underneath the stall and asked her to sign it, which she said, “uh, not right now,” while laughing to herself. The fact that someone wanted an autograph at that moment was a sign to her of her fame across the United States.


Julia said to THR, “wait, this is different,” referring to just how large her notoriety had grown at that time. Moreover, Roberts believes the way people become famous has changed in recent years. It appears to “almost happen overnight.”

When she became known, the actress explained, it was more like incremental progress that one could enjoy every step of the way. Having the public discover an entertainer was slow and progressive, rather than sudden, abrupt, and loud.

“That was the big difference about pre-Internet success.” If anybody knows about being famous, it’s Julia Roberts. Another star to echo this sentiment was Mr. Jamie Fox, who, during a podcast with Joe Rogan on the Joe Rogan Experience, explained that nowadays being famous is almost too much.


When an individual becomes a star in the modern era, it’s practically an explosion at the international level. With the advent of the internet, social media, and streaming platforms, nearly the entire world has access to see what’s out there.

